The Theatre Council of Tasmania (TCT) exists to support the recognition and development of Tasmanian theatre and the success of its practitioners. Our vision is that, through our efforts, the Tasmanian theatre sector will be dynamic, robust and united, engage the Tasmanian community and influence the State’s cultural outcomes. TCT supports Tasmanian theatre practitioners through a range of scholarships and professional development opportunities and has produced the annual Tasmanian Theatre Awards since 2015.
TCT Board Members
President Ross Marsden
Senior Vice-President Benedicta McGeown
Vice-President Cameron Hindrum
Treasurer Tara Rawlins
Secretary & Public Officer Laura White
General Committee Members Belinda Bradley, Meegan Hughes, Sarah Morrisby, Emma Skalicky, Rae Smith
The Board is responsible for managing the business and affairs of TCT. Board members are elected by TCT members at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) and hold office until the following year’s AGM, when all positions are declared vacant. Any individual TCT member (financial or honorary) or the official organisational representative of a TCT member organisation may be nominated for a position on the Board.
Rules of Association (Constitution)
TCT is an incorporated association under the Associations Incorporation Act 1964. Our Rules of Association set out the objects and purposes of the association, the rules that apply to electing the Board (‘the ‘committee of management’ under Rule 22) and holding meetings, and general governance and administrative arrangements. You can view the Rules of Association here.