
All organisations are required by law to ensure a safe and equitable workspace, free from discrimination, harassment and bullying. Below are some useful links which provide information about legal obligations, definitions of offending behaviours and examples of practical policies and procedures to maintain safe workspaces.

There are a number of commercial organisations in Tasmania offering services for developing policies and procedures, and dealing with disputes. We have listed some of them here. Please note that the Theatre Council of Tasmania is not endorsing any of the companies mentioned below. If your organisation is considering such services the TCT recommends further research.

Child and Youth Safety Standards
You can report a child safety concern with the Office of the Independent Regulator

If your organisation engages with children and young people, it could be required to comply with the Child and Youth Safe Organisations Framework from 2024 onwards.

Live Performance Australia (LPA)
Live Performance Australia (LPA) provides detailed Codes of Practice to help prevent workplace discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and bullying.

Arts Wellbeing Collective
Promoting positive mental health and wellbeing in the performing arts industry.
The Arts Wellbeing Collective - Promoting positive mental health

Equal Opportunity Tasmania
The Equal Opportunity Tasmania website has a lot of useful useful information. EO Tasmania also offers workshops on various aspects of minimising and managing instances of discrimination, harassment and bullying.

Not-for-Profit Law
Not-for-Profit Law has good general resources and guides for dispute resolution.

Confederation of State Theatres (CAST)
The Confederation of State Theatres (CAST) has developed detailed resources outlining obligations, policies and procedures. Scroll down via this link to the Queensland Theatre Company’s website to the section on CAST policies for examples of practical policies and procedures.

The Art Centre Melbourne
The Art Centre Melbourne has more examples of specific policies across a range of subjects.

The Blue Room Theatre
This is an example of a small theatre company’s policies and procedures.

The Epic Centre
The Epic Centre, based in Hobart provides counselling & mediation services.